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Article: Fossato di Vico

Fossato di Vico

Fossato di Vico

Shooting the new Vittoria Sella campaign in an authentic Italian village filled with history and tradition.

Fossato di Vico in Perugia, Umbria, a village perhaps less known than others but still full of charm and antique landmarks. A bit like Vittoria Sella bags, we could say. A niche place for the ones who love a blend of antiquity and authenticity. 

“For women who take inspiration from the past to make the future.” 

We shot in the ancient medieval village, more precisely Fossato Alto, which shines in the suggestive round stone vaults carved by slits of light that cover a little road called Via delle Rughe, a rare example of thirteenth-century castellan architecture. We then moved to the park of Monte Cucco, where the respect for a truly unspoiled nature clearly resonates. We did it together with Laura and Letizia, who lent themselves for some shots unveiling the strength of their sisterhood with a genuine charm.

“For women who always have connections with true relationships.”

We wanted to show the quality of our products, the work behind the “old school” Made in Italy, our traditions, and the passion for know-how. The heart of everything are always the women, sole leading lights of Vittoria Sella.

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Borghetto in the hamlet of Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona

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