Circolo Ippico Valpolicella
On the top of the saddle, saying goodbye to the tower of San Pietro in Cariano, leaving for our walk.
Land of great wines, surrounded by hills, where the river flows in so many colors and shapes. From the Chiusa di Ceraino, which houses the Adige River, to the fort of Monte di Sant'Ambrogio. From the "Marogne", which marks the fields borders, to the stone slabs of Prun. From the ancient aristocrat residences to the Romanesque churches where the stone became sacred ... Valpolicella captivates all the visitors who dare to know more about it.
Lisa and the horses: a tale of passion.
When Lisa was 16, she found herself a summer job as assistant in a horse club. Shortly she became managing 30 horses autonomously. She was promoted as horse instructor and started thinking about opening her own riding school. 7 years ago, Lisa took finally over the management of Circolo Ippico Valpolicella. She started with 20 horses and today she manages 70.
For Lisa horses and theirs needs always come first. She knows very well that horses are born to move. This is why she allows them to run freely around the endless lands of the club. Friendships and partnerships develop between them. Lisa describes how 4 horses, 2 males and 2 females, have chosen to live together. Well, it seems like the 2 males do not allow other male horses to look at “their” females!
The horse club, a meeting with nature.
Lisa turned her horse club into a place where you can literally live experiences, with the right approach towards the horses and the land.
They offer learning itineraries with qualified professionals, horse training and American riding lessons. And, for the horses, they have care and boarding services. And then, the walks... When Lisa describes horseback riding, she mentions an absolute sense of freedom. Because the walk is an encounter with nature through an unusual, different perspective. Fields, vineyards and woods cherished and crossed together with an animal, the horse, with which a sharing bond is established. A melting pot of sensations that varies according to the seasons and the colors and makes this experience unique and unforgettable.
Circolo Ippico Valpolicella Via A. Monga, 14 - 37029 San Pietro in Cariano VR